目前分類:我的閱讀 (64)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1.閱讀小劇星L1#1 獅子與老鼠

Reading Star Level 1#1 The Lion and the Mouse


開數/ 23*23 cm      總頁數/48頁/本

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A156761 媽咪,颱風是什麼? = What is a typhoon, mommy ? 懷爾茲 (Wilds, Peter)2008/8/3,23:59

8573914 媽咪,颱風是什麼? = What is a typhoon, mommy ? 懷爾茲 (Wilds, Peter)2008/8/3,23:59

5363978 小荳荳有小痘子= Dot has spots 愛德華茲 (Edwards, Roberta) 著2008/8/3,23:59

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6802957 唱唱跳跳學英文= Sing & play : games and movement [錄影資料] 信誼基金出版 製作2008/7/22,23:59

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KID'S ABC 新版 全套24輯+24書+贈品單字卡ㄤ仔標

幼兒英語 kid's abc

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Richard Scarry's Best Video Ever

Richard Scarry's Best Video Ever! 共有6片DVD-

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いないいないばあ (II)/ いもとようこ絵

いもとようこ (Imoto, Youko)

original date due:2008/6/23,23:59

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ABC Bakery美語烘焙屋


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272711 Hey, it's not fair! Wang, Heidi. 2008/5/26,23:59

A004120 The Husky Gang teaches piano: my song and story book Sdoia-Satz, Phyllis. 2008/5/26,23:59

A004147 Hey, it's not fair! Wang, Heidi. 2008/5/26,23:59

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5631010 蛀牙蟲 劉, 勁松 2008/6/16,23:59

8730279 毛毛蟲的天空 郭昱秀 2008/6/16,23:59

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8464672 I am a dump truck Page, Josephine. 2008/5/7,23:59

8467755 Get dressed! Rinaldo, Luana. 2008/5/7,23:59

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8004568 Museum 123 陳貺怡2008/4/23,23:59

8409959 牙齒潔白的武功秘笈 = The secret of teeth whitening 吳妮蓉 (Wu, Annie)

A008654 Here we go round the mulberry bush= 跑跑跳跳玩遊戲 史密斯 (Smith, Jan)2008/4/23,23:59

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6450406 我喜歡的顏色 方, 家瑜 2008/4/14,23:59

A139208 Sleep tight, Little Bear Caviezel, Giovanni. 2008/4/14,23:59

5019011 寶貝手指謠 丁慧瑜 2008/4/14,23:59

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7282343 21世紀こどもクラシック. 第2卷, 楽器のはなし 青島広志2008/4/5,23:59

A004249 21世紀こどもクラシック. 第2卷, 楽器のはなし 青島広志2008/4/5,23:59

A004248 21世紀こどもクラシック. 第2卷, 楽器のはなし 青島広志2008/4/5,23:59

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8462811 Tucking in! Stockham, Jessica. 2008/2/18,23:59

8467591 Whose tail? Under the sea Eaves, Edward,. 2008/2/18,23:59

8463257 Zoo faces : a book of masks

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6486818 創意的遊戲書 : 書-找一找,玩一玩!

8072249 Bus stops Gomi, Taro. 2008/2/12,23:59

8463199 My baby animal book Levine, Stuart P., 1968- 2008/2/18,23:59

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6326521 The mixed-up chameleon Carle, Eric, 1929- 2008/2/12,23:59

8076667 I love you, good night Buller, Jon, 1943- 2008/2/12,23:59

8072706 Baby talk Ziefert, Harriet. 2008/2/12,23:59

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400 張貼紙-255

My big book of action stickers


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